Sleep Hygiene Webinar Follow-up
Sleep Hygiene June 6, 2019If you attended our recent Sleep Hygiene Webinar you may have noticed that we didn’t have quite enough time to address all of our submitted questions. Luckily, presenter Jamie McGaha was kind enough to pen this follow-up blog answering all of the submitted questions we didn’t get to on-air. Let’s dive into the questions below!Continue reading
Today we’re answering a request for research on the ideal placement of products to reduce potential hazards to employees. You can read the question below: I’m looking for documents to support that storing product below the knee and reaching above the shoulder is hazardous to the employee. I can’t find research to support my requestContinue reading
Evaluating Difficult Clients
Office Ergonomics May 23, 2019In today’s blog we have a question from a recent grad and who had taken CEAS I with Marty Frame and is experiencing some push back from clients who refuse her advice after performing an evaluation. Hey Marty, I took your course in Seattle 5/2 & 3. I have already done two ergo evals. YAY!Continue reading