“Ergo Breaks” for the Industrial/Office/Health Care Athlete
Ergonomics, Ergonomics Programs, Healthcare Ergonomics, Industrial Ergonomics, Office Ergonomics March 28, 2012For those of us who specialize in health, wellness, exercise and fitness we have the long held opinion/belief that workplace fitness/exercise programs assist workers in being less prone to work-related injury, require less medical care, use less sick time and are more productive at work and home. Unfortunately, the literature specific to worksite exercise programsContinue reading
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There are a number of products on the market to help in the creation of a sit/stand workstation. Height-adjustable tables seem to be a good solution, but are pricey. Have you had any positive feedback/good results in utilizing other types of sit/stand options? Anything in particular you’d recommend? Thanks, Cathryn L.