Category: Ergonomics

  • Join us at the Applied Ergonomics Expo

    Ergonomics March 13, 2019

    We’re thrilled to have Back School Director, Ron Porter, speaking at this month’s Applied Ergonomics Expo (AES). Ron will be speaking on Anatomy, Pathology and Healing Process of Ergonomics Injuries at this years AES being held in New Orleans, LA from March 25-28. Ron will be speaking Wednesday, March 27th from 3:30-3:55 at Strand 12.Continue reading

  • Ergo for Families Who Have Infants/Toddlers

    Ergonomics March 7, 2019

    Ergo for Families Who Have Infants/ToddlersBy Jamie McGaha, OTD, OTR/L, CHT, CEAS,  COMT-UE We recently received a very intriguing question from one of our grads. A working clinician, she asked us a question about a subject we normally do not hear a lot about: Do we have any helpful ergonomic resources related to setting upContinue reading

  • Ergonomics: More than Checklists

    Ergonomics February 25, 2019

    When the Whole is More than the Sum of its Parts In recent years, we at The Back School have encountered a recurrent topic worth addressing. It seems from time to time individuals may conflate or confuse Ergonomic Analysis with the tools it employs. Some appear to appoint too much influence on data-gathering checklists. WhileContinue reading