I love coffee. I started drinking it in high school on cold mornings after swim practice. I always drank it black because that’s how they made it. I still love coffee, stopping at a coffee shop almost every day. There are always people working on their laptops at the tables, and I think, “What aContinue reading
“Ergo Breaks” for the Industrial/Office/Health Care Athlete
Ergonomics, Ergonomics Programs, Healthcare Ergonomics, Industrial Ergonomics, Office Ergonomics March 28, 2012For those of us who specialize in health, wellness, exercise and fitness we have the long held opinion/belief that workplace fitness/exercise programs assist workers in being less prone to work-related injury, require less medical care, use less sick time and are more productive at work and home. Unfortunately, the literature specific to worksite exercise programsContinue reading
An Industrial Therapy Physical Therapist sent this question: “I have had a number of recent clients from a local electronics/medical facility. I am quite sure that the assembly line work environment is responsible for these patients, as they are coming under worker’s comp referrals, but I want to try and speak directly to the company. IsContinue reading