Billing Insurance

Business Growth & MarketingBusiness Growth & MarketingBusiness Growth & MarketingBusiness Growth & MarketingBusiness Growth & MarketingBusiness Growth & Marketing June 17, 2011

Question: When you say Insurance will allow you to charge the approx. $55/15 minutes- is this the company’s workers comp insurance, and if so, is every insurance like this?

Answer: All insurance should use the same CPT Code of 97537 for Job Task Assessment & written report billed at $55 per 15 minute unit of time.

3 thoughts

  • Cran

    Question: I am wondering the best means to start up a small clientele privately for ergonomics assessment of work environments.

  • Jeff King

    I just received my CEAS and am looking for info to get started

    • Ron P

      What type of info can we provide to you? The first place to start is to provide ergonomics assessments to individuals at your place of work. If you work in healthcare it would be your patients. If you work in an office or industry setting you would start with any employee that has experienced a musculoskeletal disorder and ALL new employees.

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