An Industrial Therapy Physical Therapist sent this question: “I have had a number of recent clients from a local electronics/medical facility. I am quite sure that the assembly line work environment is responsible for these patients, as they are coming under worker’s comp referrals, but I want to try and speak directly to the company. IsContinue reading
The Strain Index is very helpful in measuring ergonomic risk of the distal upper extremity. A good website to check out is the following: http://personal.health.usf.edu/tbernard/HollowHills/StrainIndexM12.pdf for the pdf or the following for the excel file http://personal.health.usf.edu/tbernard/HollowHills/StrainIndex22.xls
Question: When you say Insurance will allow you to charge the approx. $55/15 minutes- is this the company’s workers comp insurance, and if so, is every insurance like this?