ROI and Ergonomics
Ergonomics February 21, 2013One of the most common inquiries we receive from our past students is a request for documentation that demonstrates a significant return on investment (ROI) from companies that have implemented ergonomics programs?” Of course there are numerous places that one can find cost calculators and success stories, but one organization in particular stands above allContinue reading
Earlier this week we began answering a question posed by a former student about laptop trays used in police cruisers. The same Back Scholar had a follow-up question regarding more ergonomic solutions for the utility belts that officers carry while on duty. Part one can be found here, and again the original question follows: “IContinue reading
I love coffee. I started drinking it in high school on cold mornings after swim practice. I always drank it black because that’s how they made it. I still love coffee, stopping at a coffee shop almost every day. There are always people working on their laptops at the tables, and I think, “What aContinue reading