• Potential Problems with Patient Transfer Devices

    Healthcare Ergonomics January 12, 2016

    Potential Problems with Patient Transfer Devices We recently reviewed a well-produced website that sells patient transfer aids and devices including but not limited to Auxiliary Belts, Leg Bands, Rigid Turntables, Unidirectional Slide Sheets and Grooved Transfer Boards. The products that were presented are not unique to the industry and have been in service in someContinue reading

  • Upcoming Changes to CEAS II

    Ergonomics November 18, 2015

    Upcoming Changes to CEAS II Officially beginning with our first live courses in 2016 (register now) we will be transitioning to a new title for our CEAS II ergonomics certification. We will be updating the subtitle from Aging Workforce Ergonomics Solutions Certification to Expanded Ergonomics Assessment Skills Certification. We will also be updating the titleContinue reading

  • The “Six W’s” of Using Ergonomics Analysis In Medical Causation Cases

    Ergonomics September 16, 2015

    The “Six W’s” OF Using Ergonomics Analysis In Medical Causation Cases The Causation Analysis is a method by which trained professionals may evaluate a job for actual or potential risk factors in contested workers’ compensation cases. Here are some fast facts about Causation Analysis: