Interventions To Prevent Back Pain And Back Injury In Nurses: A Systematic Review
Healthcare Ergonomics September 11, 2013What are the most effective interventions to prevent back injury at work? A paper by Dawson et al (2007) looked at 51 papers to determine this. Of the papers reviewed, only 20 met their selection criteria. The study cohorts consisted of nurses, nursing aides, student nurses, and at times a combination of nurse categories. InterventionsContinue reading
Dr. Joe Davis, PhD of NC State University Department of Engineering Ergonomics/Biomechanics says “yes”. NIOSH reports that 80% of US workers will have back pain and 75% of workers will have wrist & hand pain at some time in their working life. Engineering solutions are useful in preventing future injury and are the preferred methodContinue reading
Introducing The Comfort Zone
Ergonomics May 14, 2013The Back School is pleased to introduce Comfort Zone, a cutting-edge, web-based, ergonomics risk management software program specifically designed for office-based employees. Comfort Zone provides employers a means to identify, measure and correct the factors that impede worker performance and put them at risk of work-related injury. Comfort Zone collects actionable data that enables employersContinue reading